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Warning Message¤

WarningMessage dataclass ¤

    when: When,
    node_id: str,
    location: Location,
    message: str,
    event: str = "warning_message",
    category: Optional[str] = None,

A warning message.

category class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

category: Optional[str] = None

The category of the warning message.

event class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

event: str = 'warning_message'

The event type. Always 'warning_message'.

location instance-attribute ¤

location: Location

The location of the warning message.

message instance-attribute ¤

message: str

The string content of the warning message.

node_id instance-attribute ¤

node_id: str

The node ID of the node where the warning message is emitted.

when instance-attribute ¤

when: When

When the warning message is emitted.